Bread and circuses: The most unusual restaurants in the world
A restaurant in an existing prison, robotic waiters, lunch surrounded by sharks and paid rudeness - some restaurateurs know how to stand out from a number of coffee houses and…

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Russia in the top 20: the best restaurants in the world named
This year, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants, the world's leading restaurant ranking, expanded its list - instead of the traditional one hundred food outlets around the world, it chose 120.…

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The most unusual restaurants in the world
There are unusual restaurants in the world that are famous not only and not so much for their exquisite menu. How do you like, for example, a restaurant where visitors…

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simply delight the eye

The most unusual restaurants in the world

There are unusual restaurants in the world that are famous not only and not so much for their exquisite menu. How do you like, for example, a restaurant where visitors are sitting on the ocean floor? And the restaurant, all of whose staff are children?

There are restaurants where visitors are invited to taste the “Intestine” or they are served by monkeys.

We want to tell you about the most unusual restaurants in the world!

1. Restaurant “Kayabuki” with monkey waiters (Japan)

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Unusual ideas for catering
1. The facial recognition system of coffee shop visitors Experienced barista perfectly remember their regular customers and their favorite orders, but with the NoafFace device this skill can be automated.…


Bread and circuses: The most unusual restaurants in the world
A restaurant in an existing prison, robotic waiters, lunch surrounded by sharks and paid rudeness - some restaurateurs know how to stand out from a number of coffee houses and…


Bread and circuses: The most unusual restaurants in the world
A restaurant in an existing prison, robotic waiters, lunch surrounded by sharks and paid rudeness - some restaurateurs know how to stand out from a number of coffee houses and…
