Tourists named the best restaurants in Russia and the world
Based on user reviews, the TripAdvisor travel site ranked the best gourmet establishments in Russia and the world. This list is in many respects different from the authoritative expert rating…

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Tourists named the best restaurants in Russia and the world
Based on user reviews, the TripAdvisor travel site ranked the best gourmet establishments in Russia and the world. This list is in many respects different from the authoritative expert rating…

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Quality and taste. Five of my favorite restaurants
Gourmets from all over the world come to the restaurant, lost in the Istrian forests, all year round 1.Da Vittorio Italy, Bergamo Just an hour's drive from the capital of…

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Fedor Chaliapin

10 best restaurants in the world

The British magazine Restaurant ranked 50 of the best restaurants in the world. And the list was led by a new winner.
The authoritative British magazine Restaurant presented a rating of the best restaurants in the world in 2016, based on a survey of chefs, restaurateurs, gourmets and restaurant critics.

The winner was the restaurant Osteria Francescana in the Italian city of Modena. Last year, the owner of this title El Celler de Can Roca dropped to second place, and the French restaurant Mirazur also entered the top 10. Continue reading

TOP 4 most shocking restaurants in the world

Original food is offered in different countries of the world. Marketers and restaurateurs are ready to do anything to increase the clientele. Moreover, some owners want to gain worldwide popularity for the institution, and so legendary restaurants are born.

Alcholic Architecture Bar, London

In this bar, alcohol is inhaled

Here they do not drink alcohol, but breathe it. The institution, the idea of ​​opening which belongs to food designers and architects Sam Bompas and Harry Parr, has very high humidity (about 140%), and a third of it consists of “extracts” of alcoholic beverages. The mixture that visitors inhale is so intense that it is necessary to wear special protective suits.

The bar is adjacent to the oldest Gothic cathedral in the UK. The restaurant’s menu has many cocktails that are related to church subjects: Benedictine, Chartreuse, Trappist beer, honey beer and Buckfast. Continue reading

Three Italian chefs will tour in Moscow

The gastronomic tour of the famous chefs of Italian hotels from the Orient-Express collection will take place in Moscow. These are Roberto Villa from Hotel Splendido & Splendido Mare (Portofino), Roberto Toro from Grand Hotel Timeo (Taormina, Sicily) and Attilio di Fabrizio from Villa San Michele (Florence). The tour will take place in the Baltschug 5 restaurant. During the gastronomic days, a special menu from the chefs will be presented, valid until February 20.

As part of the gastronomic tour, a gala dinner will be held on February 19, with the participation of the Italian Ambassador to Russia, Cesare Maria Ragaglini. Sicilian musician Carmello Strazzeri is invited to the evening, who will create the atmosphere of an Italian evening with guitar solo. Prizes will be awarded at the end of the evening. Continue reading

Michelin chief Heinz Beck arrived in Moscow
Michelin chef Heinz Beck, “Michael Schumacher of Italian Gastronomy,” visited Moscow with a master class. And promised to come again Antonio Stramello and Heinz Beck DISCUSSION0 Michelin chef Heinz Beck,…


TOP 4 most shocking restaurants in the world
Original food is offered in different countries of the world. Marketers and restaurateurs are ready to do anything to increase the clientele. Moreover, some owners want to gain worldwide popularity…


Three Italian chefs will tour in Moscow
The gastronomic tour of the famous chefs of Italian hotels from the Orient-Express collection will take place in Moscow. These are Roberto Villa from Hotel Splendido & Splendido Mare (Portofino),…
