The best restaurants in the world
The best restaurants in the world How are the best restaurants determined? After all, everyone knows that "there are no comrades for the taste and color." It is difficult to…

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The most beautiful restaurants in the world
The authoritative magazine for interior design Architectural Digest published a review of restaurants with the best design. Note that for their list, the experts of the magazine chose institutions that…

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Taste and color: the most beautiful restaurants in the world
Leo's Oyster Bar, San Francisco, United States In the heart of San Francisco's financial district, between skyscrapers and glass offices, on streets full of business hustle and bustle from everyday…

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Bread and circuses: The most unusual restaurants in the world

A restaurant in an existing prison, robotic waiters, lunch surrounded by sharks and paid rudeness – some restaurateurs know how to stand out from a number of coffee houses and diners.
Turing Test for Waiters
At the Hajime Robot Restaurant in Bangkok, for some reason little-known among tourists, guests themselves participate in cooking (tables are equipped with electric stoves or barbecue grills), but its main feature is not at all in this: the functions of waiters are performed by robots. Visitors through the electronic menu order ready-made meals (rolls, sushi, salads) and raw ingredients for soup or barbecue, and after choosing food, click the Order to Robot button. A cute blinking robot pulls up to a table with trays, speaks with visitors and sets up plates, and then periodically returns to pick up dirty dishes and bring new dishes. There are two such robots in the institution – each serves 16 tables. And sometimes they dance.

There are also ordinary waiters in the restaurant, but this, of course, is not so interesting.

Against the backdrop of general obsession with healthy eating, the idea of ​​the Las Vegas restaurant Heart Attack Grill looks really extreme. It’s the opposite: monstrous burgers of 8 thousand calories each, french fries fried in clean lard, milkshakes with record cholesterol and other unhealthy foods.

The restaurant is styled as a hospital: an ambulance is on duty at the entrance, waitresses walk around in the form of nurses, they put guests in hospital gowns and call them patients, and orders call them recipes. You can’t share food with each other – you’ll have to eat everything yourself under the vigilant supervision of “nurses”. It’s also impossible not to eat up: for this, the “nurses” can spank. Guests weighing more than 160 kg eat free of charge, and the “personal nurse” takes those who have mastered the “quarter” burger (which consists of four cutlets, 20 slices of bacon, eight slices of cheese, a whole tomato and half an onion and served in a bun soaked in bacon) Wheelchair parking.

It’s also impossible not to eat up: for this, the “nurses” can spank.
For many years now, fighters for a healthy lifestyle have been trying to close the Heart Attack Grill (especially after a couple of times the guests from there were actually taken to the hospital); nevertheless, the institution has no end to visitors for the 11th year already.
Do not drop the plug
The restaurant-attraction Dinner in the Sky, invented in Belgium and already visited most European capitals, is included by American Forbes in the ten most unusual institutions in the world. And there is a reason: guests are seated at a table for 22 people, fastened with four seat belts and with a crane raised to a 50-meter height. Waiters and cooks (already without safety belts!) Cook food on a miniature stove, arrange dishes on plates and pour drinks, standing on a special platform in the center.

Lunch flight lasts from two to three hours. According to eyewitnesses, for the first half hour, guests have no time for food – they drink more on alcohol, trying to cope with panic, but then they get used to and get a taste. The only problem is that there is no toilet on board.
Vegetables in trouble
The Swedish restaurant Rude Food, located in the restaurant courtyard of the Mitt Möllan Design Mall in Malmö, has taken on a noble mission to rescue defective products. No, they are not spoiled in the literal sense of the word, they are simply decommissioned and discarded due to inappropriate presentation.

There is no permanent menu: chefs cook depending on what products they managed to save today, and guests themselves pick food on plates in a buffet format. All profits go to charity.

Champagne in a hut
Finding a Perching Bar that works from spring to fall is an adventure in itself: it is located in a forest in the suburbs of Reims, and you will have to go astray in its search. The next task is to get inside: the bar is a real treehouse, and you will have to climb the rope bridges and fragile ladders.

The reward for those who have passed all the tests will be champagne (albeit at a price of 16 euros per glass), swing chairs suspended from the ceiling and an excellent view of the surroundings. Another interesting feature of the bar is that all the electricity in it is generated by solar panels.

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