Palm Branch Award Launched in Moscow
Chefs and owners of 11 restaurant nominees for the Palm Branch Award spoke to reporters at a press conference on the launch of the Palm Branch Festival of Restaurant Concepts…

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The best restaurants in the world according to the "Bourgeois magazine"
Each year, it is customary to take stock. Various ratings are compiled, prizes are awarded, the best projects are marked. The restaurant columnist of the Bourgeois Journal compiled its own…

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The most beautiful restaurants in the world
The authoritative magazine for interior design Architectural Digest published a review of restaurants with the best design. Note that for their list, the experts of the magazine chose institutions that…

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led by an entertainer

The best restaurants in the world according to the “Bourgeois magazine”

Each year, it is customary to take stock. Various ratings are compiled, prizes are awarded, the best projects are marked. The restaurant columnist of the Bourgeois Journal compiled its own rating of the best restaurants in the world.

Number 1 Turandot (Moscow). The latest project by Andrei Dellos leads the top ten abnormal catering enterprises not by chance – this is one of the most beautiful and sophisticated restaurants on the planet. To recreate the era of the Regency at the beginning of the XXI century in Moscow (a city where there are almost no historical authentic interiors) is a rather unusual decision in itself. Continue reading

12 unusual cafes
People like to sit in a cafe. Today, opening your own cafe is a profitable business. You need to attract customers with delicious food, a cozy atmosphere, good service and…


5 unusual restaurants in the world
Agree, important and solemn events, romantic dinners and just gatherings with friends very often want to be moved from home to a restaurant. This creates a special atmosphere and turns…


The legendary restaurant "Yar"
The French tavern "Yar", and later the legendary Russian restaurant, was a cult place of the Moscow bohemia of the 19th and early 20th centuries. In terms of luxury, high…
