Dozens of tenants of the Badayevsky Brewery in the center of Moscow complain of forced eviction and early termination of contracts. Some of them, Capital Group, which is going to…

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The best restaurants in the world according to The World’s 50 Best Restaurants
Since 2002, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants has published a ranking of the best restaurants and chefs. Candidates are determined by a jury of more than 1,000 people worldwide. These…

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7 strangest restaurants in the world
You can’t even imagine why people go to a restaurant. A bite to eat - well, that goes without saying. But some of them also set records, someone overcomes fears,…

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linguine with broccoli foam

World cuisines – restaurants in Japan

The number one national hobby in Japan is going to restaurants. The Japanese simply adore exotic food and drinks for them. Leonid Gelibterman understood the thematic features of restaurants in Japan.
World cuisines – restaurants in Japan
Top restaurants in Japan are called р ёт й й.. Outwardly, they look like a traditional Japanese residential building. The cuisine here is always seasonal. There is a certain etiquette in the establishments, so it is better to go to such a place for the first time, accompanied by a Japanese. Continue reading

Michelin chief Heinz Beck arrived in Moscow

Michelin chef Heinz Beck, “Michael Schumacher of Italian Gastronomy,” visited Moscow with a master class. And promised to come again
Antonio Stramello and Heinz Beck
Michelin chef Heinz Beck, “Michael Schumacher of Italian Gastronomy,” visited Moscow with a master class. And he promised to come again.

At the request of the Italian family of De Cecco, whose old friend he is (remember the olive oil De Cecco on the shelves of Russian stores?), The eminent chef took part in culinary master classes at the PIR exhibition, an annual event for representatives of the hospitality industry in Russia. Beck performed a virtuoso performance of simple but at the same time exquisite dishes at the De Cecco booth site. Continue reading

The best restaurants in the world according to the "Bourgeois magazine"
Each year, it is customary to take stock. Various ratings are compiled, prizes are awarded, the best projects are marked. The restaurant columnist of the Bourgeois Journal compiled its own…


The best restaurants in the world according to The World’s 50 Best Restaurants
Since 2002, The World’s 50 Best Restaurants has published a ranking of the best restaurants and chefs. Candidates are determined by a jury of more than 1,000 people worldwide. These…


Cats, rats and elephants: what Parisians had at the end of the 19th century
The capital of France is famous for its gastronomy. It was in Paris that the first restaurants appeared, as well as many popular gourmet dishes. But there were Parisians and…
