12 unusual cafes
People like to sit in a cafe. Today, opening your own cafe is a profitable business. You need to attract customers with delicious food, a cozy atmosphere, good service and…

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Tourists named the best restaurants in Russia and the world
Based on user reviews, the TripAdvisor travel site ranked the best gourmet establishments in Russia and the world. This list is in many respects different from the authoritative expert rating…

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The best restaurants in the world according to the "Bourgeois magazine"
Each year, it is customary to take stock. Various ratings are compiled, prizes are awarded, the best projects are marked. The restaurant columnist of the Bourgeois Journal compiled its own…

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The most unusual restaurants in the world

Absorption of food is a common thing, but if you approach this creatively, you can surprise the whole world. Masters of catering in this excel. Unique restaurants of the world give the opportunity not only to enjoy fine cuisine. Here you can catch an incomparable thrill.

“Dinner in the sky” – dinner in the sky. This unusual place was invented by the Belgians. The first of these restaurants appeared in Brussels. The platform restaurant is suspended by a crane, visitors dine at a height of 50 meters. The facility is designed for 22 places – the crane will not be able to withstand more. Alas, dancing in a celestial restaurant doesn’t work out. All visitors are tightly fastened to their seats with seat belts.

Restaurant “Dinner in the sky”, Brussels

“Niotaimori” – Japanese restaurant innovation. Here you can eat the favorite dish of the Japanese – sushi. The highlight is that sushi will be served on the body of a naked girl. The choice of sushi as the main dish in this case looks logical. Agree, putting hot dishes on the body of a living person is extremely inhumane.

“Niotaimori”, Japan

“Dans le Noir” is a shocking restaurant in Paris. Here visitors are offered a bite to eat in pitch darkness. The approach to this is unusually serious – at the entrance, customers deposit watches, telephones and other light sources. There is no need in the menu, because it is hardly possible to read it. There is even an entertainment program, you can, again, just listen to it. However, there are enough impressions already – visitors to the establishment say that in the dark, taste, smell, and hearing are uniquely exacerbated. However, the restaurant was not conceived for entertainment. The main idea is to make it clear to the sighted how the blind live.

Restaurant “Dans le Noir”, Paris

Restaurant “Chillout” is doubly unusual. Firstly, it is an ice restaurant, and everything is made of ice – walls, chairs, tables, a bar and even appliances. Well, and secondly – this restaurant is not in a cold country, where such institutions were invented to build. “Chillout” is located in Dubai, in the desert country of the UAE, where winter never happens. The restaurant is unusually popular, especially in those months when there is unbearable heat on the streets of Dubai.

Chillout Restaurant, Dubai

Restaurant “El Diablo” is located in the Canaries. It is said that these islands are a paradise on earth. However, the situation in “El Diablo” is more like a real hell, because the restaurant is located on a volcano. Braziers are located above the cracks, from which the heat from the vent radiates. The dishes themselves complement the “hellish” atmosphere – barbecue from dinosaurs is fried in a diabolical restaurant.

Restaurant “El Diablo”, Canary

Restaurant “El Diablo”, Canary

Practical Germany presents another miracle – the robotic restaurant “ s Baggers “. Why pay the waiters if you can connect automation to the service. The client can sit down at the table, press buttons and robots will deliver him an order. However, the Germans probably still miss the standard service, because they leave a generous tip to the robots.

Taste and color: the most beautiful restaurants in the world
Leo's Oyster Bar, San Francisco, United States In the heart of San Francisco's financial district, between skyscrapers and glass offices, on streets full of business hustle and bustle from everyday…


Three Italian chefs will tour in Moscow
The gastronomic tour of the famous chefs of Italian hotels from the Orient-Express collection will take place in Moscow. These are Roberto Villa from Hotel Splendido & Splendido Mare (Portofino),…


Unusual ideas for catering
1. The facial recognition system of coffee shop visitors Experienced barista perfectly remember their regular customers and their favorite orders, but with the NoafFace device this skill can be automated.…
