The most beautiful restaurants in the world
Each nation, each nation has its own unique rituals, traditions and rituals associated with eating. Each national cuisine offers its own special and special dishes. But there are two similar…

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A student gave all her savings for dinner at a Michelin-starred restaurant
Everyone has their own ideas about how much dinner can cost in a good restaurant. If you clarify that we are talking about one of the best institutions in the…

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Ribambel restaurant took silver at an international competition in Belgium
In Belgium, in Antwerp, the International Leaders Club Awards 2013 (“Palm Branch”) was held. For the first time, a silver palm branch went to a restaurant from Russia Ribambell Restaurant:…

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lack of a toilet

5 unusual restaurants in the world

Agree, important and solemn events, romantic dinners and just gatherings with friends very often want to be moved from home to a restaurant. This creates a special atmosphere and turns an ordinary lunch or dinner into an entire event.

It is important not only what and how we eat, but also where we do it. However, there are also such establishments, being in which it is no longer important what you eat. The surroundings of the place and its design come to the fore. Design and architectural solutions, furnishings, location of the institution – this is what attracts visitors to restaurants, which will be discussed below. Of course, delicious food and friendly service act as a welcome addition.

1. Ithaa Restaurant Continue reading

The most beautiful restaurants in the world
Each nation, each nation has its own unique rituals, traditions and rituals associated with eating. Each national cuisine offers its own special and special dishes. But there are two similar…


Ribambel restaurant took silver at an international competition in Belgium
In Belgium, in Antwerp, the International Leaders Club Awards 2013 (“Palm Branch”) was held. For the first time, a silver palm branch went to a restaurant from Russia Ribambell Restaurant:…


The 14 best restaurants in the world that you should definitely visit
Dinner at a restaurant is not just a matter of food and satiety. It can be a real adventure. Some restaurants offer gourmet dishes, incredible views and amazing atmosphere -…
